Let’s be honest.

When we workout, we’re usually focused on looking Ah-mazing in our skinny jeans. Most of us aren’t thinking about our bone health, bone strengthening, or how to increase bone mass.

But a kickass bone strengthening regimen isn’t just for your grandmother.

Why Increase Bone Mass?

As our understanding of bone health expands, more doctors recommend focusing on bone strengthening and finding a workout that will safely increase bone mass long before osteoporosis (a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile) enters the picture.

Bone health is important at any age because bone loss doesn’t just happen suddenly one Tuesday afternoon. We slowly lose bone over the course of many decades as the aging process silently chips away (sometimes literally!) at our bone health.

Best Bone Strengthening Workout

Most people have never prioritized bone strengthening and don’t have a clue what type of workout can safely increase bone mass.

Enter Slow Strength Training: your secret weapon to increase bone mass for super bone health!

How does bone strengthening occur? How exactly do we increase bone mass?

Bone strengthening occurs when we lift weights and our muscles contract. The muscles tug on the bone where the muscle is attached to the bone, causing tiny little bone traumas. In the days after the weight training workout, the body responds to this event. Bone strengthening osteoblasts are released as well as growth hormones, and the body begins the process of recovering from the trauma, which is how we increase bone mass and improve bone health.

The more intensely the muscles contract, the more significant the stimulus created and the more bone strengthening magic occurs after the workout.

Safely Increase Bone Mass

In 1982, Ken Hutchins conducted the Nautilus Osteoporosis Project to see if weight training could rehabilitate and effectively increase bone mass in senior citizens with advanced cases of osteoporosis. Traditional weight training proved to be too dangerous for the participants’ bone health as their brittle bones were highly susceptible to bone fractures.

In order to reap all the bone strengthening benefits of weight training while preventing injury to these older adults, Hutchins slowed the movement of the exercises to a ten-second lifting cadence, 5x slower than traditional weight training. This technique proved to be an incredibly safe way to increase bone mass and improve overall bone health.

Your Best Bone Health, FAST!

When moving weights slowly, momentum is eliminated, which means the muscles do more contracting. The more intensely the muscles contract, the more bone strengthening power the workout creates!

More intensity —> Increase Bone Mass —> Optimal Bone Health!!

This workout reverses osteoporosis and improves bone health in a relatively short period of time because we are working the muscles very intensely with this type of strength training.

To increase bone mass and improve bone health, this technique is vastly superior to other methods of weight training — our clients typically see marked improvement within a few months on their bone density scans!!

Safely and effectively increase bone mass in just 20 Minutes a Week!

Bone strengthening, although underrated, is super important to our overall health, and our future, as we age. A strong skeleton maintains the integrity of our body. Strong bones support the body. Bone health should be a priority, but bone strengthening doesn’t have to be difficult. I can help you safely increase bone mass with slow strength training if you live in the LA area. With just one 20 minute workout each week, you can enjoy all the bone strengthening benefits of weight training, without the risk of injury.

Your bone health will thank you!

To Find Out More About How You Can Use Nutrition for Optimal Bone Health, click here.

To See for Yourself How Strength Training Can Safely Increase Bone Mass and Improve Bone Health, click here.

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